Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mr. Squirrel

This little guy has been jumping around a tree in our back yard for a while now. I got a couple great shots of him. Here is one of my favorites, Mr. Squirrel.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Power of Nice

This book is on my Cmas List. "Nice" doesn't really come naturally for me. I have to work at it. I'd rather tell people what I really think, or at least snort at their comment. But then I stop. B/c just being honest, there's a whole lot that could be said/snorted about me. I'm human right? : ) It's a side quest I'm on: To be Genuinely Nice.

Here's a site that testifies to this mindset and how Nice can change the world. (And, probably a lot faster than either of the running candidates.)

Monday, October 20, 2008


Deciding to branch out on facebook is always a little risky. i've started to request friendships with other like-minded people whether they be moms and designers, or designers and crafters, etc. It's been inspiring to become friends with other people cross the country with whom i've never met but who have somewhat of the same life veins that I do.

This cold weather is making me want to curl up with some material and sew to my heart's content! Hope you all have a good week!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Time Screams

Stunned-- time screams to a screeching slow motion. Words escape the open mouth. Heart buckles. Knees crash. A child that I watched suck in it's first breath of this earth's air has been diagnosed with Leukemia. The little chunk who laughed at development charts b/c he was off the top healthy. . .strong. . .bursting with life n energy .

Join me in praying for Von Rovenstine's life to be made WHOLE again and restored with the future he once embraced as much as a 3 year old can.

Subway Life

This is a very interesting link, the artist travels to different cities drawing people on subways. London is my fav... check it out

Print your own fabric

Check out this site!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Flat Betty

Check out this Blog. Betty has been all over the country and even in some other countries visiting designers and doing all the things girls love to do! Besides hosting Betty, the host gives to baby nighty and book to a charity. . .love this concept.

Friday, October 10, 2008

A few Super fun links:

More Inspiration

Last winter I read a book by Madeleine L'Engle called Walking on Water. One comment from the book has become a part of how I work since then. It was so helpful as I look for inspiration for "the next piece". I hope it will be helpful to some of you as you stare at the dreaded blank piece of paper or when beginning that new project.

"Inspiration far more often comes during the work than before it because the largest part of the job of the artist is to listen to the work and to go where it tells him (her) to go."

So let's get started! Have a great week!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I've been on an inspiration quest lately to revive my juices. Here is a site of interest.

Also, if you need inspiration for your next logo, check out Jeff Fisher's site.

And, for fun, check out this site. They sell something different everyday for a supper low price. But, if you are interested, hurry, b/c they have a limited number to sell!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008 gift

I have 2 free access (for 30 days) training coupons to if anyone is interested in having them. Each is valued at $25. Send me an email for the activation code if you would like one.
