Sunday, August 10, 2008

Moo print and Cupcakes
This website is fun, I just ordered a sticker book, I will share images when I get them.

Also I had my first wedding this weekend for a cupcake order. It was really fun and the bride was very happy. It was a green daisy themed wedding, just beautiful! They had a perfect day too for an out side wedding!


More Than Words said...

How exciting! The cupcakes look cute! You must really enjoy that creative outlet.

Jessica D said...

how awesome! i didnt know you did that sabrina! stickers are SO fun too. i want to get some - just need to think of a use first?

Sabrina said...

I love sending friends letters in the mail. I make little calenders, send doodles ect. So I'm always using stickers in the letters or to close the envelopes. I figured it would be fun to send stickers that have my photography or that person on it. If you think of anything else cool to use them for I would love to hear your idea!