Thursday, September 11, 2008

the kindness of others

I have been going through a particularly tough time lately and have been feeling rather depressed. I am truly overwhelmed at the incredible outpouring of assistance by so many that I feel so blessed and loved. This morning when I got in to work, my friend Gary had set up a beautiful rock garden fountain right beside my computer and a lovely note encouraging the peaceful calm that will help me feel better.
I know this too shall pass and when it does, my gift is to return the generous favor to others in their various life struggles. One act of kindness, small or large makes such a difference!


Sabrina said...

I really hope things turn around for you soon. I just wanted to say that this was a very positive read. (You have a great co-worker, what a thoughtful gift.)

Design Chicks said...

That is truly amazing Julie! I know you definitely deserve sweet gifts like that! : )I hope that your week goes better. Thanks for sharing your real feelings--that alone is inspiring!!! Is your dad doing better?

Keep your chin. Hugs!